English Summary
This website provides you with information on the Meihuizen family-circle and its activities, on the history of the Meihuizen family and on the backgrounds of its family shield. Moreover, this website offers possibilities to contact the familyboard. We hope this website will be a meeting place for the family itself and anyone interested in our family.
The origins of the Meihuizen family go back to Switserland. Hans and Michel Galliker lived in Gontenschwill near Beromunster around 1560 and called themselves Hans and Michel Meihuser. In later years they used the name Maihuser. In 1669 Samuel Peter Maihusen was born. He became a Mennonite and was prosecuted because Mennonists refused to wear arms. Though they had become influential people in the region – you find the Meihuizen shield in the church of Gontenschwill and you find a little village named Maihusen nearby- they had to leave Switserland by boat and fled to the State of the Netherlands. They settled in Kalkwijk near Groningen in the Northern part of Holland. In the latest "family book" you can find an interesting essay about the integration of the family in this part of the Netherlands.
The family circle
The Meihuizen family circle has about 150 members, mainly in Holland, but there are members all over the world (Australia, Canada, South Africa, United States, France and other European countries).
-Our members recieve a family bulletin three times a year.
-In Groningen an archive on the family is kept.
-Regularly we publish a family book with genealogy and historical developments. In September 2004 the blue book appeared.
-Yearly we have a family assembly which lasts one or two days, with a cultural and sportive program. Its main aim is to meet each other in a social atmosphere.